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Victoria NOW is an interdisciplinary program of modern creation, inspiration, and empowerment. Young people, children, neighbors of all ages and with different cultural and social backgrounds come together and discuss burning issues such as immigration, identity, gender, the economy through art workshops and through co-creating collective works that reflect the contemporary identity of this multicultural neighborhood. Victoria NOW, through the discussion of the city, the public space and everything that constitutes the cultural identity of NOW, aims to highlight the citizens of NOW. Contemporary art and artistic creation, function as a bridge of connection and creative expression , and acquisition of new stimuli and abilities.


Young Artists at Victoria! Kids 4-12 years old explore the world of contemporary art through music, dance, painting and crafts. They familiarise with contemporary Greek and international artists, art movements and techniques learn about the Athenian contemporary art scene, and artists from different countries and promote their creativity.

Hip – hop, creative writing, exhibition curating, guided tours in museums and exhibitions of contemporary art and many more will be created by the young residents of our neighbourhood, aged 13-20. The first cycle consists of workshops for contemporary art theory and exhibition curating. During the second cycle the participants learn to sketch and design exhibitions of contemporary art. All these under the guidelines of visual artists, musicians, dancers etc. The exhibitions made by the participants will be presented in the public space of Victoria neighbourhood and/or in the space of Victoria Square Project.


Victoria Square Project organizes experiential workshops for anyone who wishes to explore the world of contemporary art through the curatorial concept “Who is a contemporary Athenian”.

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