Victoria Square Project presents TRiKiKLO during a three-day program on 18, 19, 20 March 2022. The streets of Athens, Protomagia square and Fokionos Negri are filled with workshops, african drums and music for all.
The tricycle, in Greek τρίκυκλο - trikiklo, is a common vehicle of the Athenian centre, inextricably connected with the people using it, the contemporary flaneurs. The vehicle makes a comeback as TRiKiKLO and hits the Athenean streets carrying workshops, sounds and surprises, it stops on several squares and pedestrian streets, where it creates ephemeral meeting and communication spots. TRiKiKLO challenges us to redefine our relation with the public space and art in contemporary Athens.
Learn more, book your seat and join us!