Photo: Matteo Natalucci
Art Seasons is a program for kids 4-12 years old to become familiar with seasons through the artworks of contemporary and prior artists.
Kids will encounter the flow of seasons and their characteristics, but also with the way they have been depicted in art. An important part of the program will be the awareness of the environment and the Earth.
On November the third cycle, The Winter, begins online and in person. Check the program below and book your seats!
Program | 3rd cycle _ The Winter
Wednesday 24/11, 1 & 8/12 | 17:30/19:00 🡪 online meetings for all ages
Friday 26/11, 3 & 10/12 → 16:30/18:00 🡪 in person meetings
Saturday 27/11, 4 & 11/12 → 16:30/18:00 🡪 in person meetings
In person workshops are for free, while for the online workshops are with free contribution starting from 5€.