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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Square Project

OPEN CALL "Stories of the Neighborhood" for youth 13-19 years old

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

Victoria Square Project invites young boys and girls aged 13-19 years old of Victoria to participate in the online program Stories of the Neighborhood.

Young boys and girls transform into heroes and heroines through a discovery journey in the multicultural neighborhood of Victoria. Can a personal story become an artwork? What is contemporary art and what does oral history mean?

Through theater activities and creative writing workshops the program Stories of the Neighborhood transform the oral stories of the residents of our neighborhood into works of art. The young participants discover these stories and become their protagonists.

During nine months of theoretical and practical workshops the young participants will explore contemporary art and the field of oral history. The program’s goal is for the team to understand the connection of experience and inspiration in order to create their own artworks.

The workshops start on February 20, 2021. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the program will be held on ZOOM every Saturday at 14:00 to 15:30 for 9 weeks.

Implementation: Phevos Markianos, Rinio Balkou-Papadopoulou,

Christiana Natsika

Design - Coordination: Christiana Natsika

For further information and application:

The Stories of the Neighborhood workshops are part of the Young Co-Curators program of the educational year-program VICTORIA NOW. Kids and youth of the multicultural neighborhood of Victoria, come together, inspire and get inspired, create, discuss burning issues such as immigration, identity, gender, economy through artistic workshops and the co-creation of collective artworks that reflect the contemporary identity of this multicultural neighborhood of Victoria.

With the support of the Allianz Kulturstiftung and the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.

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