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TRiKiKLO goes to Fokionos Negri


Photo credit: Alexandra Masmanidi/VSP

Victoria Square Project invites you on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 April 2022 to a noisy and fun ride with TRiKiKLO at Fokionos Negri street.

At Fokionos Negri kids and adults will participate in workshops with the pedagogical group To Skasiarcheio and the Library Kiosk (Vivlioperiptero), with Athens Comics Library and Baytna Hub, and will dance in balkan rhythms with Make Some Noiz.

The tricycle, in Greek τρίκυκλο - trikiklo, is a common vehicle of the Athenian centre, inextricably connected with the people using it, the contemporary flaneurs. The vehicle makes a comeback as TRiKiKLO and hits the Athenean streets carrying workshops, sounds and surprises, it stops on several squares and pedestrian streets, where it creates ephemeral meeting and communication spots. TRiKiKLO challenges us to redefine our relation with the public space and art in contemporary Athens. 

TRiKiKLO stands out by carrying the art installation of Collectif MASI (Madlen Anipsitaki and Simon Riedler) inspired by the history and special characteristics of the vehicle. 

Read the program, fill out the form to participate in the workshops and join us! 


The project is supported by Athens Culture Net of the Municipality of Athens and is funded by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.


Saturday, 9 April 2022
11:00 - 12:00    Flower workshop for kids with Baytna Hub @ Kypseli Municipal Market
Baytna Hub invites us to a flower workshop at Kypseli Municipal Market to welcome spring! The kids' flowers will decorate TRiKiKLO the following day. 

Sunday, 10 April 2022
11:00 - 12:30     Meeting at Kiosk Library of Fokionos Negri
The Kiosk Library (Vivlioperiptero) team will introduce us to their free, lending, exchanging library with a radio station, stories, library science and storytelling activities. The pedagogical group “The Skasiarcheio” is inviting kids to participate to the small books workshops, where kids will create their own small books and then the “Spring Benches” will be there with the kids journal “Kokkinolemis”. 

Location: Fokionos Negri and Drosopoulou street

13:00 - 14:00     “Superheroes' journey” | Workshop for young people ages 12-17  with Athens Comics Library @ Kypseli Municipal Market 
The Athens Comics Library embarks on a journey alongside all the known superheroes. To find what is truly their power, what makes them heroes, and the inner strength that each and every one of us has inside. And then we will become creators! After we learn the secrets of comics, we will create stories together and present them in an impromptu, outdoor exhibition.

14:00 - 15:30    Music performance with Make Some Noiz 
Make Some Noiz band will fill Fokionos Negri with balkan rhythms. The band alongside TRiKiKLO will start from Kypseli Municipal Market and will take us all the way to the amphitheatre at Fokionos Negri.  

The workshops are free for all. Book your seat by filling out the form or join us directly on the workshop locations. Form:

Athens Cοmics Library:
Athens Comics Library is a place of inspiration and learning around a collection that reaches 2,500 comic books. It hosts Baytna Hub (which in Arabic means "home") for early childhood development support for refugee and migrant children and their carers, through creativity and play.

KIOSK LIBRARY: What is public space? Does a book and a child have a place in public space?
Can a kiosk answer these questions? Can a kiosk become a lending library? We are an initiative of parents, children, educators and residents of Kypseli, with the aim of reviving a closed kiosk in our neighborhood. We want the kiosk: To become a children’s lending library, a children’s newspaper distribution point, children’s radio, puppetry and other activities. At the Kiosk Library you will also find the children’s radio “Ta Thrania Tis Anoixis” 

Make Some Noiz: A musical project for kids 12-16 years old in the center of Athens.The project’s vision is to train the trainer. This method is so effective among kids. Makes learning faster, immediate and effective, while enhancing their teaching, transmission and communication skills. Effectively, throughout this method values such as solidarity, collegiality and friendship are fostered. This way, a context is provided where they feel totally free. A condition that allows them to express freely, self-organize their band and, above all, enjoy music, enjoy each other's company and enjoy playing. Because music is a game!

Skasiarchio: Skasiarcheo is a team of educators and intellectuals working in primary, secondary and higher greek public institutions aiming to exchange opinions and alternative ideas to approach public education. 

Idea & Design: Marina Naki
Production Coordination: Dorothea Kritikou
Education Programs Coordination: Marina Naki, Dafni Crema
Communication and Development Coordination: Ioanna Ntali
Administration Support: Iro Ziozia
VSP Director: Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou 

Graphic Design: ArtWorks Graphics
Videographer: LDSPRO
Photographer: Alexandra Masmanidi

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